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Here we go! loved it like last time and the additions =) I cannot wait to see a full version and lemme know when its out!


I think the assist modes are a good addition.  I struggled incredibly with the "z+movement" mechanic.


I tried this again because despite being awful at it, the game is promising and I can see how it'll be fun for quite a few people.

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Yo, thanks for playing it, despite the difficulty. Also liked a lot the feedback about the game in general.

I still have a lot of balancing to do in the game, and watching someone not so skilled in it game helps a lot for me too see where I should give more attention.


Thank you for this, this is my tribute for your lovely demo.  Feedback in the video...

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Hello and thank you very much for playing my game ^^

I will probably change the movement in planets making the clockwise / couterclockwise movement as this is a common feedback I'm receiving.


After 166 deaths and 40:37min to finish the game, my veredict is:

This game is AMAZING!!!! Magnificient art-style. Magnificient (and vicious) gameplay. Magnificient soundtrack. I can't wait to see the full version! It's fantastic! Congratulations!

The only problem I wish you to fix is to move only with left and right directions on the planets, because trying to figure out if it's left, right or up and down is really confusing.

I would love if you could play my game and give me some feedback too! It's called: "Touch of Madness":


Hey, thank you very much ^^. 

Fair point about the movement in planets, some people have been asking about this so I might change it.

Will definitely try our game, it looks very interesting and I really like the 1 bit and minimalistic art style.


Great game! Loved the play on gravity between different planets, was a blast to play. Streamed it on my twitch and uploaded it to YouTube. Keep up the amazing work!


My twitch vid I put it on =)

Cool, thanks for playing my game ^^

Sorry for the last level :P still have a lot of balancing to do. But you played well, other people that played get around 100 deaths.